Got a weld that needs a quick fix? Dreaming of building an oversized BBQ smoker that could grill a whole herd of burgers? Or perhaps you’ve got an artistic vision that needs a steel touch?

At McDun Services, we’re all about making sparks fly—literally! Whether it’s a simple weld repair, crafting your ultimate BBQ behemoth, or turning your artistic dreams into metal masterpieces, we’ve got the tools and the talent to make it happen.

Sure, we specialize in mild steel, but don’t let that limit your imagination! Want an arena drag to tame your backyard rodeo dreams? Yep, we’re in. Need patio railings that are as sturdy as they are stylish? Consider it done.

McDun Services isn’t just about fixing and building—it’s about bringing your ideas to life with a dash of steel and a sprinkle of magic. So whether you’ve got a project in mind or just a wild idea, let’s chat! Because when it comes to metalwork, McDun Services is your partner in creating steel dreams.

Contact Aaron today about your job.